Singing Guide: Alvaro Soler

Singing Guide: Alvaro Soler

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

How to Sing Like Alvaro Soler

Alvaro Soler

If you are a big fan of Alvaro Soler and want to learn how to sing like him, then there are a few techniques and tips we can suggest to help you achieve your goal. Alvaro is known for his unique vocal style, which is a mix of pop and Latin influences. He has an impressive vocal range and knows how to use his voice to convey emotion and energy. In this article, we will break down some of his best techniques and suggest some practical exercises and Singing Carrots resources to help you develop your own Alvaro-style voice.

Technique #1: Nasality

One of the most distinctive aspects of Alvaro's voice is his use of nasality. He has a nasal quality to his tone that gives his voice a unique character and helps him stand out from other singers. To replicate this technique, try singing through your nose rather than your mouth. Focus on pushing the air through your nasal cavity and connecting the sound to your head voice. This may take some practice, but with time, you'll be able to replicate Alvaro's nasal tone.

Technique #2: Chest Voice

Alvaro is an expert at switching quickly between his chest voice and head voice to create a dynamic range. To practice this technique, start by singing a song in your chest voice and then switch to your head voice for the high notes. Make sure you are using your diaphragm to support your singing and keep your voice stable. This technique will take some time to master, but once you get the hang of it, you'll be able to create the same smooth transitions that Alvaro is known for.

Technique #3: Vibrato

To add some vibrato to your singing, try singing a note and then gradually loosen your jaw to create a wobbling effect. This technique takes practice to perfect but can give your singing the same emotional quality that Alvaro is well-known for. Make sure to take care of your vocal health by avoiding any unnecessary strains or pushing your voice too hard.

Songs to Showcase Your Progress

To showcase your progress, we recommend learning and singing Alvaro's popular songs: La Cintura, El Mismo Sol, and Sofia. These songs showcase Alvaro's unique vocal style and will give you a chance to practice the techniques we've highlighted above. Use the Singing Carrots Song Search to find similar songs in your vocal range and practice singing along with them.

Practical Tips

  • Use Singing Carrots' vocal range test to determine your vocal range and find songs within your range.
  • Practice proper breathing technique by using Singing Carrots' breathing exercises.
  • Warm up your voice with Singing Carrots' warm-up exercises before you start singing.
  • Use Singing Carrots' vocal pitch monitor to visualize your singing and identify areas for improvement.
  • Take Singing Carrots' singing course to learn more about proper vocal technique and healthy singing habits.


With practice and dedication, you can learn to sing like Alvaro Soler. Focus on his unique vocal techniques, such as nasality and chest voice, and practice regularly using Singing Carrots' warm-up exercises and vocal pitch monitor. Use Singing Carrots' resources to find songs within your range and improve your overall vocal technique. With time and effort, you'll be able to sing like Alvaro and create your own unique voice.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.